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Today Discover Why Your Blessings Are Taking Longer Than Expected From Bishop Climate | Bishop Climate Ministries

Today Discover Why Your Blessings Are Taking Longer Than Expected From Bishop Climate

…Today Discover Why Your Blessings Are Taking Longer Than ExpectedRead Prophetic Word From Bishop Climate! delayisforapurpose

Hi Child of God Remember to always stay consistent in praying for what you want God to bless you with, stay close to the word of God and always listen to the word of your Prophet. The most important thing is to stop comparing your time of receiving your blessings to others. God gives us all a different time to give us all of our hearts desires! Yes all of them but that’s while never losing faith in Him. Today I would like to share with you four key points that will increase you which our Archbishop has taught us. The first thing is; Don’t lose your faith, no matter what happens in your life don’t let it stop you from going to church, even if it may seem like nothing is happening in your life at the time of need, continue to stay strong in your prayer and faith, while you still attending church. Never lose the focus of your faith. The second thing is; Your perception about things must change. Change your perception, never look on how much you don’t have or how much you’ve lost because that’s what the enemy tries to do to us, but look on the grater things that God is about to do in your life, and Change the way you perceive things. You need to start seeing the bigger picture ahead of you on not look on things you do or don’t have. You must change your perception today! The third thing is; You must obey the divine instruction at any cost (2 Kings 4:2 KJV). There are some things that no one knows but God, and there are some extraordinary things that God may require you to do, but you must always make sure that they’re done no matter how extreme they may seem at the time. The last thing is; Always keep things to yourself. Make sure that you don’t go around telling people your business and don’t publicize the divine instructions that God has for you. You cannot go around sharing the prophetic word that has been given to you or asking people for their opinions concerning the advice that you have been given. Why? Because people might not have your best interests at heart. Remember to stay in prayer and to never lose faith even if it may seem like your time of blessings is taking longer than you expected, never question God’s timing for He knows what’s best for you.

 It’s so important in this season to keep any prophetic instruction that God has for you to yourself. There is no need to announce it, there is no need to tell people and advertise your life to them. People may not have your best interest at heart. Last night was powerful for those who joined with me on Facebook and on Periscope Live. A lot of prophetic words was released for those who joined with me and its important for when the prophet speaks you pay attention. As every prophetic word that is released is a divine instruction from God. Remember to stay in prayer and to never lose faith as that is sometimes the key to our blessings. We delay our blessings, because we are taking matters into our own hands. We feel like God is taking to long. Our blessings are taking longer than expected. But today I want to encourage you to be patient. This is the time to rise up and command God’s blessings over your life. Stop doubting and questioning God’s timing for He knows the plans for your life. Today I want to release 5 more blessings into your life.  1.  I prophecy into your life and into this world that everything in your world is good. From today there is no more limits! 2. Today I declare and see more good is waiting to reach you than you have imagined before! 3. Where your life is concerned, may all your dreams come true! May this universe respond to you and provide all your needs 4. Today I release the anointing for hardworking people to rise up around you 5. Today I declare I speak to every tissue, cell, immune system and prophecy may you have creativity and energy in abundance! Yes as from today all things are going to work for your Good! Any delay or challenge you have faced in the past has been for a purpose. This weekend is going to be powerful. Be blessed   Arch Bishop Climate Wiseman


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