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Today Get Ready For A Sign That Guarantees Your Miracle! Prophetic Word From Bishop Climate | Bishop Climate Ministries

Today Get Ready For A Sign That Guarantees Your Miracle! Prophetic Word From Bishop Climate

…Today Get Ready For A Sign That Guarantees Your Miracle! Read Prophetic Word From Bishop Climate, Watch Miracle Fire Service Testimony! 


” Good Day Bishop, be blessed and highly favoured. I thank God the Ominipotent and Ominiscience most high for my connection to you and the ministry. I feel so highly favoured to be connected which is the reason why I live.  Bishop you wrote recently to me that my life could have been something else,  I would have lost my life by now but the grace of God and the revelatory prophesied through you.  Bishop I am so grateful to God and to you. I have never regretted being a partner. Thank you and the entire Ministry for the great Ministration far and wide delivering people from evil and destruction. I will all the days of my life be grateful. – Mrs Priscilla A.G


Hi Child of God,

This week I have been praying for you and I know that this weekend a big breakthrough is coming your way. People of God your season of shame and distress is over. The season where enemies are walking over you are over. God is going to show up. I know that He has seen your sacrifices, He has seen all your hard work and he wants you to continue to persevere and keep pushing your faith. Let go it;’s time to do things God’s way and not your own. Be still and stay focused as this is a time for you to receive a powerful sign from God. Wherever you are in your life right now trust that God is going to lead in the right direction. All things are possible if you believe. I have something special to share with you as I believe by the end of this weekend the Angel of the Lord is going to visit you. This weekend God is going to give you a sign that guarantees your Miracle. Get ready for a powerful weekend as every burden, concern trouble in your life is going to come to an end. Come and be ready to hear from God! Seal your miracle and await your for your sign from God. I see a new beginning taking place in your life. (Exodus 3:2 NIV) Amen. Be blessed.  Arch Bishop Climate Wiseman



Watch Now Miracle Signs At Wailing Wall In Israel!



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