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Do You Want To Know The Key To Achieve Your Miracle? From Bishop Climate | Bishop Climate Ministries

Do You Want To Know The Key To Achieve Your Miracle? From Bishop Climate


Read This Amazing Testimony & Prophetic Word From Bishop Climate

“I really thank God for this ministry and how it’s taught me to activate my faith. I was suspended as a nurse three years ago. When I heard what the man of God was teaching about putting your faith into action I decided to go outside and evangelise, put my old nurse uniform on pick up the Miracle Times newspaper and flyers from the church and went out distributing believing in God that I would get her job back, I was believing by faith that she would get a job. Since then I was offered two jobs and now I’m starting my new job tomorrow!” S.D , London 

Hi Child of God,

People have asked me why do we post testimonies? My answer is they act as an encouragement to you all, as many people from around the world are being healed, delivered and restored. If the same God can do it for these people He is the same God that can do it for you. This week I feel a special anointing will be placed over your lives. The key to achieving your miracle is activating your faith! I believe that as you call upon God this week that he will let the heavens open up for you. Every hindrance in your life must cease. This week I’m praying for all members, partners and friends and believing that God is going to progress you in every area of your life like never before . ( Psalms 50:15) This week extend your faith do something different. Step out in faith just like this woman did above in her testimony. Activate the spirit of progress, favour and wealth over your life. Stay Blessed. – Bishop Climate Wiseman




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