Dear Child of God,
Yesterday I sent you a powerful email on what can happen when your hedge of protection begins to break down, and how that is what allowed satan to be able to afflict Job. If you listened to the teaching, we understood how we can bypass satan by praying in tongues. One woman from Papua New Guinea, after listening at home from her computer to this powerful revelation, received an instant baptism of the Holy Spirit.
“Tonight as I watched Prophet preach about speaking in tongues, i was praying and while praying i began to speak in a different language! I understood what I was thinking of praying but when I opened my mouth the words came out in a different language that I didn’t understand. I am from an Evangelical church background and it’s a new experience for me!! Aleluyia!! Praise the Lord! Break throughs are happening in me! It’s uplifting me in my prayers and I want to pray everywhere i go!” From Merilyn , Papua New Guinea
Wow, that’s incredible! I hope that you watched the service so that you can begin to experience your own breakthroughs from home as well.
Now yesterday I laid a foundation, based on what happened to Job, and tonight I want to begin to talk about the 7 Agents of Destruction.
Child of God the Lord revealed to me that there are 7 principalities that can be released over your life in order to bring destruction.
The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
There are spirits, not in hell, but in heaven. They are what opposed Daniel when he began to pray. It is these same spirits that propelled fire from heaven to burn up Job’s sheep and which sent the wind to smote his children’s house. (Job 1:16,18-19)
I mentioned to you yesterday the angel of the bottomless pit, called Abaddon or Apollyon.
Over them as king they have the angel of the Abyss (of the bottomless pit). In Hebrew his name is Abaddon [destruction], but in Greek he is called Apollyon [destroyer]. (Revelation 9:11)
Why did Paul go to the trouble to give us both Hebrew and Greek translation of the word. In short, this principality has been tormenting the children of God from the times of Adam; before Greek was even a language.
Child of God, when this spirit is released against your life, you begin to experience endless problems. That is why God has led us to confront these spirits during this 21 days of Daniel Fasting.
These principalities of the air, they are strong men, they have rights, they have powers and authorities. That is why unless you are living a regular lifestyle of prayer, you are no match for these powers. It took Daniel 21 days to receive an answer from God, because the power of the airs opposed his angel.
Child of God, when your enemies release the the principality of Abaddon, it begins to cause death in your life. Premature death, death of marriage, death of career, death of loved ones, death of dreams. It was the first spirit that was released against man in the garden of Eden, and death came in. That is why today we must deal with this demon. Every principality that is sitting on the roof of your house, every principality that has been sent in order to cause destruction in your home, in your career, in your finances, we are going to command it to die by fire!
For the last 4 days we have been talking about how to break the curse of destroyed opportunites. Child of God, in order to do that you must deal with the strongman of death. I see this principality has been sent against you through jealousy and witchcraft into your home, that is why everything has begun to go down. But today, every Abaddon that has been hanging around your home, every Abaddon that has been chasing you from post to post, may the fire of the Holy Ghost consume it. Some of the suffering you have been going through is because the principality of death has been released into your life. That is why these 21 days are so powerful. Remember if you haven’t yet joined us in fasting, it’s not too late to do so. You will need to start from day 1 but you can begin today. It is the only way to be able to rise up against every strongman of death in your life. But as you do that, God is going to disarm and dismantle their powers against you.
Remember Jesus said “These things cannot go out except by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 7:21) It is these demons, it is these principalities that we are warring against through prayer and fasting. If God was able to save Job from the agents of destruction, He will save you.
Right now I have 20 POWERFUL PRAYER POINTS for you to break every curse of destruction in your life as a result of the strongman of death. Every agent of destruction that has been assigned against your life in order to cause death must die by fire in Jesus name! All you need to do is submit your prayer agreement form below and I will send them to you automatically.
Today the Lord has given me a different destruction and has asked for a special Missionary Offering to support the Conference. You can see from the testimonies I have shared with you over the past few days, these were not testimonies from local visitors, but those who have been watching from abroad. Some from America, some from Europe, others as far as Australia and Papua New Guinea. Because of your support we are able to keep broadcasting these powerful prayers for many around the world to be blessed and receive their breakthrough. That is why tonight I want to encourage you to give a Missionary Offering and build up an altar with God to sponsor and upport the word of God and this conference. It could be any amount, just pray about it and ask the Lord what you should give. Remember the Lord loves a cheerful giver. Blessing the work of God is no small thing. Jesus said that whatever we do for others, God will make happen for us. So when you sponsor a conference like this, God gets to work personally on your own deliverance and breakthrough! Click Below to Submit Your Prayer Request and Receive Your Prayer Points Now!
Thank You Again… For Partnering With Me In The Eternal Gospel.. Your regular offering and Precious Seeds are Helping To offset a lot of printing cost and helping to Proclaim The Gospel to So Many Around The World…! The work of God is the greatest soil on earth …and guarantees an Uncommon Harvest of Divine Favor. Click above to submit your prayer Request…. Remember to give An offering To Activate Your Faith.
Remember we are doing Daniel Fasting according to the book of Daniel 1:8-16 for 21 days straight. That means you can eat anytime of the day but No Fish, No Sea Food, No Chicken, and No Meat is Allowed. (No Alcohol Or Sex Is Allowed For these 21 Days Of Fasting And Prayer As Well) This is a Special Cleansing Fast that God has instructed me for us to do it at the beginning of this year. (And if you eat meat by mistake you must begin all over again).
1. There will be spiritual Clearance and Cleansing For 2020
2. Every sickness and Diseases must leave your body (Healing for 2020)
3. Favour, Everywhere you Go I see Favour this year
4. Good Health and the Anointing, power and energy to accomplish all what you need to accomplish 2020
Yours In Prophecy,
Prophet Climate Wiseman
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The Prophet Climate will engage with the most critical issues of our time – from the escalating deep spiritual issues to the influence of big demonic circles on our lives. At a time when factual information is a necessity, we believe that each of us, around the world, deserves access to accurate deliverance and knowledge with integrity at its heart.
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