…Today Every Enemy of Progress In Your Life Must Disappear! From Prophet Climate! Read Powerful TestimonyÂ
”  Bishop I thank God for your life! So many things have taken place in my life during the past couple of months. For a long time, my body was feeling heavy and I was suffering for a long time with my knees and my health. I was praying the demonic powers of Darkness in the lower earthly regions prayer points. This is from your book Bishop, The Secret of Jesus.  I was praying for whatever it was that affected my health to be removed and exposed and for it to come out of my life. After that, I was experiencing heavy deliverance I was sick for 2 weeks. I was even vomiting up blood, but even though I was experiencing these things, I was persistent I did not give up. One of the weeks of The Miracle Pool I was so determined to be the first! I even stood by the exit by the door I really wanted to be the first person into The Miracle Pool and just as confirmation Bishop gave a special instruction about those born on the 5th and I was able to go into the Pool first. After walking into the Miracle Pool I was in so much pain and I began to vomit and a  foul smell came out of my mouth. After the deliverance, I felt so light all the heaviness has been gone! No more pain and now I am ready for what else God has for me. “  – Ms D.R , LondonÂ
Dear Child of God,Â
What a powerful weekend we have shared at The Kingdom Church London! From Today I need you to uncover one word about Nehemiah and one thing to discover about your own life. Last week and even now the spirit of God has been quickening me to increase my prayer level. And as I have been praying for you God was showing me visions where your life’s concerned. Now, who was Nehemiah he was neither a prophet or a priest? He was one of the people that were born in captivity. And this is the same just like many of you, born into captivity from your mothers or fathers house. But Nehemiah was given the favour from God and was given the most prominent jobs of the palace of being a Cup-bearer to King Artaxerxes. He was a personal assistant to the King so Nehemiah was the person trusted with the Kings life and everything belonging to him. This was a high ranking position.Â
Nehemiah 1:1- 4 NIV:  ” The words of Nehemiah son of Hakaliah; In the month of Kislev in the twentieth year, while I was in the citadel of Susan Hanani, one of my brothers, came from Judah with some other men, and I questioned them about the Jewish remnant that had survived the exile, and also about Jerusalem.They said to me, “Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.”When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. ”Â
So what is the relevance between Nehemiah and your life? Today I am prophesying and speaking into your life as Nehemiah although he was born into captivity he had a God-given mandate that broke the curse of captivity and pushed him into his purpose. Today you have a mandate as regardless of what you are going in your normal life, there is an assignment as you are here to change a generational curse into your generational blessing and because of you God is going to bless you and elevate you into the places of influence. Get ready as you are about to hear some information that is going to trigger an anointing that will raise you above everything else.
As this information is going to hit your ears and give you purpose! This information is going to give you the direction that you have never had before. You may be thinking of yourself as an ordinary person. But just like Nehemiah, there was a report that happened that triggered his God -given purpose. It doesn’t matter if you have been suffering and struggling for long but there is information coming your way to help you and elevate you into the position you need to be in. You are going to rise up and find the calling of God in your life. You are about to receive your true ranking according to your purpose. Do you know that Nehemiah was between 40-50 years working with the King? In this job Nehemiah received favour and this favour he received was a strange favour! Where he was seen as of high value. And this is the kind of God we serve, who is able to give you a favour of high value where people all over will look to meet your needs. They will trust and love you and no one will be able to attack your provision again.
Nehemiah became a King’s Cup-Bearer, this was a job that cannot be given to anyone, not even a stranger you must be a native of the country. Although he was a Hebrew, God gave Him a favour, the provision that you are about to receive is going to exceed all your exceptions as this favour is going to be permanent your breakthrough will be permanent. There is no need to worry about losing your customers, losing your business or your finances as your miracle is going to be permanent.
I’m not talking about something in your past, I am talking about something that you are about to hear Good news and information is about to come to you. Child of God there is so much that I want to discuss with you about Nehemiah and the 5 keys that connect to your destiny. I need you to download this message that you must have today. This is really going to enhance your spiritual life and take you to another level. After listening to this teaching your eyes and ears are going to be open. Make sure you connect with me as you are going to discover 5 keys that will bring an increase of favour into your life. Amen. This is a special anointing that I will release into your life. Stay Blessed.  – Arch Bishop Climate Wiseman
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