…Today Discover The Mercy & Grace That Flows In Your Life! Prophetic Word From Bishop Climate!
” Morning Bishop, would like to take this opportunity to thank you for welcoming me to your church,although im too far from you,i feel you are here with me here in South Africa,i feel the warmth of your love and your church members,you took me from no where, the messages you sent makes me to grow spiritually, you gave me hope,you always be there for me,God kept us together for a reason, I love you my family.‎” – P.Rune,South Africa
Hi Child of God, Hope your having a great week. I am excited about this weekends powerful service especially as The prophetic word for the month comes with powerful revelations of the Word of God. The month of Divine GRACE upon you life. This Divine GRACE is the supernatural anointing that comes upon a believer and enables them to receive that tangible evidence that they have the approval of God even though they did not deserve it. In short GRACE is “You did not deserve to get Gods approval, kindness and blessing but you got it and people can see that you got it”. GRACE is that unmerited favour. So where does mercy come into all this? We know that Mercy is when God withholds His judgment of me that I surely deserve. It’s about compassion and forgiveness. There is emotions involved and for God to show me mercy He should surely love me. We know this as the Word of God in John 3:16 tells us that God love the world that He gave up His only and unique son for you and me. So love triggers mercy that turns into GRACE. The bible shows us that the children of Israel continuously did wrong but God loved them and always showed them mercy that turned into favour. But for you and me that mercy turns into GRACE. You might be going through some challenges but all you need to remember is that through Jesus you have GRACE. You were therefore created for GRACE because you are special in Gods eyes. So this is the month that you need to provoke that anointing of GRACE and allow God to move for you. Believe that you were created for GRACE because of Gods mercy and love. You are special to God and you shall be victorious in Jesus name.The GRACE of God is therefore upon your life this month. So make use of that revelation about the Angels on assignment for this month. I know that by God’s GRACE you are coming out. Remain blessed. – Pastor Brian Residential Pastor, Milton Keynes TKC
What powerful words from Pastor Brian! This month testimonies of God’s favour and Grace has been evident in your lives. I am thankful for all the testimonies that have been shared at TKC and the testimonies shared throughout the world that have been sent in. l know that an overflow of Mercy and Grace is going to be poured into your
Life. I know that the power of God is going to reign down in your life, over your finances. The fire is God is going to reignite those situations where you need results and answers. This weekend with the anointing and the wisdom of God that is going to be shared and great things will be drawn to you. The Grace to receive even the things that you don’t deserve will be coming to you in abundance, In Jesus name Amen. Stay Blessed. ( Â NIV)Â –Â Arch Bishop Climate Wiseman
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