…Today Discover How No Evil Will Stop You From Greatness! Prophetic Word From Bishop Climate
” Hi Bishop I am really happy to have such a blessed Anointed gifted man of God by my side I don’t know if you realised how blessed I’m since we met, I am already blessed no matter what. I know Satan is a thief but he will not survive this. I’m a man of Faith and passions he can never break my relationship with God, because my relationship with God is not material it is Spiritual. I will fast and Pray how long I don’t know but I will do that. Thank you Bishop God Bless You and your family amen-“ – Frans
Hi Child of God,
Today I would like to share with you four different ways on what you should do when you begin to realize that someone has an evil eye on you. Sometimes in life you may be wondering why certain people don’t like you, and always find yourself questioning what you might have done wrong when all you’ve been is nothing but a good person towards them. Every evil eye will always plan to destroy your life and the Bible shows us how to deal with it. You might be going through situations that make you think that God has abandoned you, but remember that every situation that you come across happens for a reason and not for a season. When we get betrayed by the people we love, that is the most painful thing we could ever experience but always remember what David did when he realized that Saul wanted to kill him. The first thing you should do is speak to your spiritual mentor which is me your Archbishop Climate this is important because it stops us from being paranoid, David spoke to his spiritual mentor and told him everything that Saul had done. Every time you realise that something evil is coming, talk to your prophet about it and don’t beat yourself up when things don’t go right always encourage yourself even in times of failure. The second thing you should do is to remain focused at all times, the reason why people fail at reaching their destiny is because of broken focus there are some things that God will allow to happen in your life, only to see how focus you are even in times of failure and if you remain focus you can overcome the people who are preventing you from receiving your blessings, and God will expose you to what you’re supposed to be. The third thing is to work hard at all times, because people with an evil eye thrive for those who do nothing with their lives. Go an extra mile with everything that you do in your life because when you’re determined to succeed, you will attract success. The last thing is you must endure, sometimes you might find yourself in conditions that you feel are not suitable for you, and instead of running away from things that make you feel uncomfortable, deal with them for Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. Achieve anything that God called you to do, don’t be disrupt by all evil and when you know who you are and the God you serve, no evil will come in the way of achieving your greatness. Don’t be afraid for God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the spirit of love and a sound mind. Be like David and endure till the end for God will save you from any evil that wants to touch you! (1 Samuel 18 KJV)
I hope those of you that are reading this today take it into consideration as because of broken focus there are some things that God will allow to happen in your life, today you need to go an extra mile as anything you want to do in your life as long as your determined to succeed you will attract success. Just continue to endure Child of God as I can see many miracles taking place in your life. I know that in this month because no evil shall go before you, no evil shall touch you this month you will achieve greatness! Do not be afraid as God is with you! And through Him all things are possible! No evil is going to disrupt any plans from God. Whatever it is you want to succeed in just make sure that you focus and trust God that is shall come to pass. Amen Have a great day. Be blessed (Hebrews 6:12 NIV) – Arch Bishop Climate Wiseman
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