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Bringing Down Jericho Walls … I Saw This Wall Raised Against Your Finances ..Prophetic Word From Bishop Climate | Bishop Climate Ministries

Bringing Down Jericho Walls … I Saw This Wall Raised Against Your Finances ..Prophetic Word From Bishop Climate

Dear Child of God,

Powerful Testimonies are Continuing to Take Place As A Result of Jericho Walls. Read Here: 

More miracles are taking place. One lady after Standing on the Bringing down Jericho Walls Miracle Card received an Instant debt cancellation of $14573 from the Bank. Another Man Received a job offer that was declined 7 months ago!

Child of God each day we have been dealing with a specific issue, and at times the Spirit of God has been taking another direction, but one thing is for sure, the Power and Presence of God is here and available, ready to change your life. Many are being delivered, many are being set free, many are receiving powerful breakthroughs and testimonies.

You might be there reading this email but you haven’t yet sent in your prayer request. If that is the case, I want to encourage you to participate today. Test God and see what will happen. For there is no distance in prayer. Remember faith is what pulls your miracle from heaven. If you have faith, all things are possible for you.

The Bible says that the goodness of God leads men to repentance (Romans 2:4)

God wants to show you His goodness. He is a miracle working God, and there is nothing that is too hard for him. But maybe you say, well I only need to pray, I don’t need this Jericho Walls. But don’t forget that God is a God of a sign and wonders. And that has never changed.

When the children of Israel were dying in the wilderness, God did not tell Moses to pray for them. He told him to make a bronze snake and put it on a stick and lift it up in the desert, that whosoever looked upon it would be healed (Numbers 21:9). When Naaman the Syrian general needed to be healed from leprosy, Prophet Elijah did not pray for him but told him to go dip himself in the River Jordan 7 times (2 Kings 5:10). When the children of Israel needed to conquer Jericho, God did not tell them to pray. He told them to march around the city 13 times and the walls would fall down (Joshua 6)

The key to your breakthrough this year is unusual instructions. But as you obey by faith and tap into what God is doing, you are about to see the hand and power of God come into your situation like never before. 

Please don’t miss out on what God is doing. You can participate from home. All what you need to do is send in your prayer request, and watch us live online from home. And if you haven’t participated in any of the other services, go back and check your emails and fill in your prayer agreement forms for those days too. It’s not too late! 

Every day we have been dealing with a different issue, a different wall, and today is about financial release. Today every financial wall that have been standing up against you is going to come down. You know it’s one things to have some bills that you are able to handle, but when there is a financial wall against you it leads to a pile up of debts, situations that you get in over your head and there seems to be no way out. But as you obey today, that wall will fall down in Jesus name. 

But remember to participate every day. For every day is a special day, remember the children of Israel marched around Jericho every single day, until their Breakthrough came! You cannot just stay at home, if you know that you are available to watch us live, then you must make every effort to do so, for others have come from far and made a Great Sacrifice to be here this Week and that’s what counts. Remember God will never advance you beyond your last point of disobedience.  I feel so strong that you need to participate in whichever way that you can, this may be the only chance that God has given you. TAKE IT NOW! TAKE IT TODAY! TAKE IT TOMORROW! AND TAKE IT FOREVER! YOU WILL NOT REGRET! Stay Blessed Arch Bishop Climate Wiseman


“We know how terrible spiritual setbacks can be and so we keep a small number of emergency appointments with prophet open each day if you really need help fast.

They can go very quickly but we’ll see you as fast as we possibly can.

And rest assured that we don’t charge any more for those priority prayer and spiritual help so call us now on UK +44 207 738-3668 Or USA +1 347 708 1449 so we can help you get deliverance as quickly as possible.


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The Prophet Climate will engage with the most critical issues of our time – from the escalating deep spiritual issues to the influence of big demonic circles on our lives. At a time when factual information is a necessity, we believe that each of us, around the world, deserves access to accurate deliverance and knowledge with integrity at its heart.

Our deep spiritual editorial experience is second to none This means we set our own agenda and voice the most important and powerful information to set the captives free. Prophet Climate Spiritual Private Research Institute is free from commercial and political bias and not influenced by any religious organisation.

This means we can give a voice to the nations, explore where others turn away, and rigorously challenge those in power and principalities . We hope you will consider supporting us today. We need your support to keep delivering quality powerful deliverance messages setting the captives free one soul at a time Every reader contribution, however big or small, is so valuable. Support Bishop Climate Ministries from as little as £1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you.

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